
Chocolate Slab Recipe for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is all about teddy bears, red, sweets, roses and chocolate. I have never been a huge fan of the commercial side of Valentine’s Day but there is one thing that I’m more than OK with. Chocolate is what I’m talking about. I mean it wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without chocolate, would it? And the good thing is, chocolate is actually one of the superfoods and you shouldn’t say no to chocolate.

Now, let’s talk about chocolate a wee bit, shall we?


Chocolate: Nature’s Superfood!
While not all chocolate varieties are worthy of the title, dark chocolate and unsweetened cocoa are among the most nutritious types, packed with many science-backed health benefits. In fact, cocoa beans are even more antioxidant-rich than blueberries, green tea, and red wine, mostly thanks to their rich flavonoid levels. And let’s not forget about other nutrients like iron and magnesium! I actually recommend dark chocolate as an afternoon snack to pregnant ladies whose iron requirement is higher during pregnancy. As for the science-backed benefits, new 2023 research shows that flavanol-rich cocoa consumption may help to improve cognitive health in older adults by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Not to mention the benefits on heart health, brain health, and mood.

The darker you go, the more benefits you’ll get! So, your best bet is choosing chocolate in its most natural form, like cacao powder, cacao nibs, or pure dark chocolate. But, research shows you’ll get the good-for-you benefits by opting for chocolate that’s 70% dark chocolate or higher. And if your chocolate is sweetened, try to stick with healthier brands that use natural sugar sources. Oh yes, those angels do exist!

Now, it’s time for a guilt-free chocolate sweet recipe I have for you because it’s Valentine’s Day. Today, I have a recipe for Crisp Chocolate Slab—or bark as our American friends call it. Enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day!


Crisp Chocolate Slab
You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to actually make your own slab of chocolate. This is a classic recipe and will show you just how easy it is to make delicious natural chocolate without all the additives and preservatives found in commercial chocolate.

195 g cacao butter
120 g cacao powder
10 tablespoons of maple syrup
1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla powder
½ teaspoon of salt
250 g pistachio nuts
250 g goji berries

To Make:
• Place a glass bowl into a pot of simmering water. Make sure the bowl is not actually touching the water but just sitting above it.
• Melt the butter in the bowl.
• Once melted, add all of the other ingredients except the pistachios and goji berries.
• Stir the ingredients in the bowl until they have combined evenly and you have a smooth chocolate.
• Line a tray (such as a baking tray) with greaseproof paper.
• Roughly chop the pistachios and add half of the nuts and the goji berries to the mixing bowl.
• Pour the mixture into the tray until the chocolate is about 1/2 cm thick deep.
• Sprinkle the remaining nuts and goji berries over your chocolate slab.
• Once it’s cooled down, place the tray into the fridge to set for at least 3 hours.
• Once set, break into chunks and store in airtight container in the fridge.

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